How UNICEF leverages AI in their fundraising to help more children in need

Read reviews from real people who chose Dataro’s fundraising platform to identify their best donors, raise more funds and track fundraising progress.

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Chosen by the world's leading nonprofits

Bat Conservation International increased appeal revenue by 160%, raised an additional $48k and achieved a campaign ROI of +490%

“Dataro’s donor insights are simple to understand and actionable. With Dataro we can turn around a campaign list in hours and know we are selecting the right donors for our asks and not over-investing in donors who aren’t ready to give again.”

Amnesty International grew their confirmed gifts in Will by 60% YOY using Dataro, adding an estimated $4.32 M in additional income generated (average Bequest $60k)

“I don’t know how I would do my job as a Gifts In Will Specialist without Dataro’s donor predictions. With Dataro I know exactly which donors are most likely to be interested in leaving a bequest gift so I know where to focus my efforts and who to nurture with our campaigns. We’re thrilled with our results so far and have grown our bequest pipeline by 60% YOY in the second year of using Dataro’s gift in Will model.”Naomi Vaughan

Australia for UNHCR increased average appeal ROI by +26% over 2 years →

“We have seen impressive results from the Dataro DM Appeal scores. We went through a thorough testing process to ensure that the scores were predicting accurately, and that by using them we were adding value to our mail appeals, without jeopardizing any potential revenue, and the results were clearly positive on both fronts”Jo Purcell-Jones

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Case Studies

Read success stories on how how to fundraise smarter using Dataro’s platform.

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Direct Mail Appeals

International Nonprofit raised an extra $831k in one year by identifying ready-to-give donors who were 'overlooked' by segmentation

“We raised close to $1 million in extra gifts using Dataro’s AI donor predictions to target our monthly direct mail appeals in 2022. With Dataro we’re reliably finding the best donors for our campaigns, and with less effort than before. We couldn’t be happier with the results!”

Pancreatic Cancer UK increased appeal net revenue by 111% despite mailing 65% fewer supporters to achieve a 268% ROI

“Dataro’s predictive models have been a game-changer for our fundraising. By leveraging their donor insights and campaign size recommendations, we’ve seen significant improvements in our direct mail appeal performance. We’re consistently raising more revenue from less outreach, which has saved us time and cost and is delivering us much higher campaign ROIs. With Dataro we know we’re engaging the right donors to support our cause.”

Leprosy Mission Great Britain saved $22k in direct mail costs and increased net returns by 42% in their 2023 Advent appeal

“We are extremely happy with the results using Dataro to make our appeal mailing selections. With Dataro we saved £18k in mail costs against budget and £22k against the previous year’s campaign, which is a phenomenal amount of money. But the exceptional thing is that we’ve also raised much more in gross and net revenue and achieved a much higher return. If that’s not the power of Dataro, then I don’t know what is.”

Australia for UNHCR increased average appeal ROI by +26% over 2 years

“We have seen impressive results from the Dataro DM Appeal scores. We went through a thorough testing process to ensure that the scores were predicting accurately, and that by using them we were adding value to our mail appeals, without jeopardizing any potential revenue, and the results were clearly positive on both fronts.”

UNICEF Australia saved $30k in appeal costs and increased appeal net revenue by 26%

“Dataro has delivered amazing results for UNICEF. This fundraising-specific tool has helped us understand our donors on a much deeper level and empowered us to select the best donors for our appeals. It’s given us confidence in who we are targeting and meant that we are raising more, with less cost and less time spent on making our selections. Plus we’re building better relationships with our donors that help make a difference in the lives of children in need.”

Save The Children increased appeal response rate by +18% and raised an additional $12k from less outreach

“Over the last 6 months we have been working closely with the team at Dataro to support our appeal data selection with some really positive results in a challenging fundraising environment. Starting cautiously, wanting to minimise any potential risk to income, we have quickly gained confidence and tactically increased our reliance on the Dataro ranking of our database. This has helped us to identify a smaller cohort of supporters with a higher propensity to give and a better ROI for our appeals.” 

Canteen raised an additional $46k in revenue across 3 direct mail appeals while saving $13k in mailing costs

“Using Dataro, we have consistently been raising more in our appeals while spending less on mail and postage and saving so much time in the planning process. What took us months now takes us hours, and we’re raising more than ever before. Thanks to Dataro we’ve become a lot more comfortable with our own data and we now have the time and confidence to plan new activities that will help us to improve the donor experience and ultimately raise more for our cause.”

St Helena Hospice increased appeal net revenue by 9% and achieved a campaign ROI of +200%

“Working with Dataro has been a great experience! We have seen really impressive results and as a small team, it has totally revolutionised how we are able to tailor our campaigns to focus on the right supporter at the right time. This has enabled us to really maximise our fundraising potential. Alongside that, the knowledge and support that the team provides has been outstanding. We are really excited to get working on the other program areas to see what we can achieve. Thank you!”

Bat Conservation International increased appeal revenue by 160% on target, raising an additional $48k and achieving a campaign ROI of +490%

“I was completely blown away with this whole process. In 20 years of pulling mailing lists, this was absolutely the easiest direct mail campaign ever. I’ve never seen an ROI around 500% with such a significant increase in donor gift size. I can’t wait to see how better donor targeting with Dataro’s AI can help us in the next fiscal year!”

Prostate Cancer UK raised an additional £11k, securing +440 extra gifts from donors that would have been missed via RFV segmentation

“Working with Dataro has been great, and it’s work like this that will help Prostate Cancer UK reach its ultimate goal to saves men’s lives.”

Parkinson's UK raised an additional £15k, securing 411 additional gifts from donors that would have been missed via RFV segmentation

“We were delighted with the results using Dataro’s AI software. This new way of predicting which supporters are likely to give means we can generate more revenue for our organisation, and send appeals only to those supporters who may be interested in receiving them. We’re now rolling out this technology for all of our appeals.”

Greenpeace increased appeal net revenue by 13% and improved campaign ROI by 23%

“Dataro is completely reinventing how we use data in our fundraising. These guys are one of the most exciting things to happen in the industry for years.”

Recurring Giving

Wilderness Society converted 48 new monthly donors over 5 months with an ROI of 2.2 and acquisition cost of $137 per donor

“It’s much easier and more cost effective to convert existing cash donors to regular givers than it is to attract new donors. With the help of Dataro’s AI software each month we can predict which of our existing cash donors are likely to respond to a regular giving ask from us at that particular point in time. By targeting the right people, at the right time, we’ve been able to more than double the conversion rate we’ve achieved previously. We’re thrilled with the results.”

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ saved 211 monthly donors from churning in 7 months, saving an estimated $104k in monthly gifts

“Being able to identify who was most at risk of churning in our regular giving program has meant we could implement effective interventions to keep our donors engaged with our vision and purpose, and keep them committed to supporting our work. Through our Thank You calling campaign we were able to proactively call donors to thank them for their giving and share how their continued support is making a difference. Without Dataro’s software, we wouldn’t have known which of our regular givers may have been at risk of cancelling their monthly gift, and when. “

Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute saved 296 monthly donors from cancelling their gift, saving an estimated $57k in monthly gifts

“The thing that stood out for me the most was that we are able to be proactive in our retention strategies instead of reactive. I don’t know a simpler and more accurate way than Dataro propensity scores to determine who and when to contact RGs for better retention.”

Greenpeace retained 531 monthly donors at risk of cancelling their donation, saving an estimated $235k in gifts

Our thank you calling program has proven to be a tremendously effective way for us to identify supporters who are at risk of leaving our regular giving program. After identifying these supporters one of our trusted agency partners has given them a simple thank you call. We have found that supporters are around 2.5 times more likely to cancel their recurring gifts if they do not receive a thank you call. Without Dataro we wouldn’t have been able to identify, call and save these supporters. Our thank you calling program is now well established and its success has led to us trialling an expansion of the program, so that we can thank and save more supporters in a really cost-effective way.”

Mid-Level Giving

Leading European Charity converted 290 standard donors to mid-value in a record-breaking appeal that raised a record €3,938,005

Our investment in machine learning has already paid off in identifying the most highly qualified mid-value prospects to be nurtured. This is the highest number of donors we have converted to mid-value giving in any quarter, ever! We’re thrilled with our results so far and continue to use Dataro’s AI donor insights to target our stewardship efforts and test different content and strategies to nurture our new group of prospects.”

Australia for UNHCR prioritized high value middle donors & prospects, saving 3 hours in staff costs per week and lifting conversion from 3% to 28%

“With finite resources, and nearly 9,000 mid-value donors to manage, Dataro’s AI insights have allowed our stewardship team to identify and focus their efforts on the best donors, who are most likely to continue giving at a middle level. This data-led approach has allowed us to be more strategic in our prioritization and stewardship of mid-value donors which is ultimately leading to more efficient use of resources and more effective donor engagement. Without Dataro’s AI donor predictions, we would have no way to identify and segment high-propensity donors from low-propensity donors, within our existing RFV segmentation model. Dataro’s AI insights allow us to deliver an optimized stewardship journey for the organization and the donor.”

Leading Australian Charity raised $266k in direct mail appeal revenue from mid-value prospects

“Dataro’s mid-value propensities have helped us pinpoint the best mid-value prospects to nurture for a higher level of giving. We’re thrilled with our results so far and can’t wait to see what the next 12 months of stewardship effort will deliver with our newly identified mid-value donors and prospects.”

Major Giving (Stewardship)

Royal Flying Doctors Service (Victoria) grew major giving revenue by 15% YOY

“Dataro’s AI donor predictions has made our major donor prospect research and stewardship process far more robust! Dataro’s major donor ranks and scores help us prioritise our prospect list. It has confirmed which donors we thought had capacity and that what we are doing to identify and steward people is working. We wouldn’t be without Dataro’s major donor predictions now.”


“Dataro adds extra capacity to our under-resourced philanthropy team and removes the opinion and emotion out of decision making. Our philanthropy managers are doing the job of 3 people, so anything that automates our processes and helps us to effectively prioritize our outreach efforts is key. We don’t use the Einstein Prediction Builder in our CRM because we’ve found it isn’t accurate and requires someone to manage the prediction building. Dataro’s predictions work out of the box and accurately identify our top donors, without the need for manual input and management. Plus Dataro’s predictions are updated weekly in our CRM and leverages the data of hundreds of other nonprofits to build models that accurately predict future behavior better. We wouldn’t be without Dataro.”

Legacies (Stewardship)

Amnesty International

“I don’t know how I would do my job as Gift in Wills Manager without Dataro’s donor predictions. With Dataro I know which donors are most likely to be interested in leaving a bequest gift so I know exactly who to nurture with our campaigns.”


“Dataro is a quick, easy and accurate way to find our top donors to have conversations with about leaving a gift in their Will. It is twice as good as anything we have done in the past to help us identify the best prospects to speak with about leaving a bequest. Every donor gets a rank and I just pull a list of he top 50 or 300 prospects and start making phone calls, working my way down the list to speak with. In the first month of using Dataro I pulled the top 50 ranked donors, spoke with 47 of them and added 87% of them to our pipeline, 36% confirmed their status to leave a gift in Will.”

General Fundraising


“Dataro is completely reinventing how we use data in our fundraising. These guys are one of the most exciting things in the fundraising industry in years.”

Content Writing (AI Assist)

Lieber Institute for Brain Development

“I use AI Assist as part of my regular workflow: drafting letters, emails, follow-up communications, social media posts and welcome journeys. Because of this product, we have been able to reallocate one FTE to another donor-facing role. Using Dataro’s AI fundraising platform is a job requirement for our new hires. It’s that good.”

Starlight - Australia

“We used the enhance feature of AI Assist to tailor email content to different segments. The emails and subject lines written with the help of  AI Assist had a higher open rate of 40% compared to 29% for our control emails. The AI written emails also outperformed in terms of conversion and revenue.”

The Hospital Research Foundation Group

“This product saves us so much time in rolling out our appeals. Building on the content from our direct mail piece, AI Assist helped us to generate our supporting campaign emails so quickly. As a time-poor team, this was invaluable. Unlike ChatGPT, AI Assist understands the tone of fundraising and asking for donations, which is just something that ChatGPT doesn’t understand without lots of good prompting. So it also saves that time in that way.”

Trent University

“It’s clear that AI Assist was built by fundraisers… I mean, you could probably get the same result with ChatGPT, but it would take much longer. And I don’t have time for that.”

Lung Foundation

“My favourite feature within AI Assist is the thank you emails. Because our donors give to a variety of services or a specific appeal or because they give in memory or celebration…. using something like AI Assist lets us write tailored thank you communications relevant to the gift. It is a real time saver for something that can kind of bog you down.”

WMRA-WEMC Public Radio

“We used AI Assist to generate the first draft of our direct mail appeal letter. It saved us so much time. The output generated was much closer to a final version than what we were able to create with ChatGPT and it is clear that Dataro’s product understands nonprofit fundraising and the outputs generated use proven appeal language.”