November 21, 2024
AI Can Be Your Most Powerful Tool for Growing Midlevel Giving
Tips and best practices for building a reliable and efficient task management process.
Direct mail appeals present a great opportunity to test new fundraising technologies. Earlier this year, Dataro teamed up with a large disability services provider to test whether machine learning could be used to improve the organisation’s Spring appeal. The results once again demonstrated how Dataro’s approach can reliably be used to increase net revenue and reduce appeal mail volumes.
Key results included:
Similarly, when donors were broken into ‘bands’ of 1000 based on their Dataro score, it was clear that the donors with the highest scores contributed by far the majority of gifts and the majority of revenue.
Response Rate by Campaign Group (Dataro Rank)
Percentage Revenue by Campaign Group (Dataro Rank)
These results, together with other Dataro case studies, demonstrate how machine learning can be used to more carefully analyse which donors are likely to participate in a direct mail appeal, resulting in better overall performance.