Find The Right Donors In One Click With Smart Audiences

Personalized donor communications result in much higher engagement than mass “spray and pray” outreach, for obvious reasons. They make donors feel seen, understood, and valued. While personalization seems like a no-brainer for nonprofit fundraisers, it’s a lot easier said than done. Creating truly personalized fundraising campaigns requires not only creating a larger amount of content, you’ll also need to pay significantly more attention to your donor data, identifying groups of similar donors and planning specific messaging and calls-to-action for each of them.

With Dataro’s new Smart Audiences feature, we’re taking the time and effort out of donor segmentation so that you can spend less time wrangling your data and more time building connections with your donors.

Smart Audiences makes it easy for you to find the most important and commonly used donor segments and take a variety of actions, including adding them to a campaign, adding to an Insights report for deeper analysis and data visualization, or even exporting directly to a digital advertising platform to build lookalike audiences for new donor acquisition.

Using Smart Audiences as a starting point for your brainstorming and campaign planning makes it easy to spot areas of opportunity including:

  • Recent donor acquisitions
  • Donors with an anniversary this month
  • Lapsed donors
  • Frequent donors
  • And more!

Once you’ve decided which donor audience to reach out to, simply click to generate the list and you’re ready to start building your campaign. Happy fundraising!

Dataro can help you take your fundraising to the next level. Learn More.

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