Fundraise With Confidence: Introducing Prediction Reasons

Gabrielle Weiss –

Fundraisers inherently understand the importance of building donor trust. Unlike making a purchase from a business, when donors contribute to a nonprofit they don’t receive a physical product in return – instead, their donation hinges on trust that the organization will steward the gift well and use it to make a positive impact. In fact, 64% of donors say that trusting an organization is absolutely essential before they will make a gift. 

Because donor trust is so important, it is crucial that fundraisers operate with care in everything we do. Seemingly small missteps like a badly targeted message or mistakenly addressed envelope can lead to permanent damage of a donor’s trust and relationship with your organization, so we understand why many fundraisers are cautious about implementing new technology for their fundraising process. Many AI and machine learning products available today offer little transparency, asking fundraisers to simply trust that their recommendations are correct. This might explain why, while 9 out of 10 fundraisers believe that AI can improve efficiency in their work, only 28% of them are actually using it

Here at Dataro, we believe that AI and ML should be transparent to nonprofit users – earning your trust in the same way that you earn the trust of your donors. This is just one of the reasons that we have added Prediction Reasons to our platform. Prediction Reasons gives you quick and easy insight into how the AI model makes decisions regarding the score that a donor is assigned, so that you can always double check its work and feel complete confidence in using AI to support data-driven decisions. 

Prediction Reasons: Convert to Recurring Giving

Dataro’s predictive models can take thousands of data points into consideration when recommending an action for each donor, but Prediction Reasons makes checking our work simple and accessible by highlighting a selection of the most important pieces of information driving a particular score or recommendation. 

Our commitment to transparency in AI doesn’t stop there – features like our Model Performance report give you the power to easily evaluate the accuracy of Dataro’s predictions after any campaign. With full insight into how your data is being used to inform recommended actions, you can tackle every fundraising campaign with full confidence that you’re making good, data-driven decisions. 


Dataro can help you take your fundraising to the next level. Learn More.